Wednesday, July 4, 2018


Submission. Often this particular word is viewed in a negative light, especially among women.

Why is that? My suspicion is because it suggests giving up what we want to be servants to someone else. Who would want to do that? Definitely no one I know!

One thing that God asks Christians to do is to submit to Him and to His will. One thing that is different about submitting to God though is God has your best interest at heart. There are manipulative and evil people on this earth who do not care about your or have your best interest in mind. But God does. He cares about you and what is good for you. Submitting to God is one of the best things you can do, because you are entrusting your life and your future to Someone Who knows it all, and Who knows what you need before you do.

Does knowing this make submission easy? No. No way. It helps, but submission is an action that must be repeated daily. I'll be honest, I am not good with submitting to God. It has to be something you think about daily, pray about multiple times daily, remind yourself of over and over, and spend time with God asking Him to help you submit, and looking to His Word for guidance.

Submission is a work in progress for me. One book I have been working through, and actually doing a study on is "Disciplines of a Godly Woman" by Barbara Hughes. Here is something that she has to say about submission: "All the disciplines of a godly woman are about submitting your will to God's loving rule in daily life" (Hughes 2001, 40). That is a good way to look at it, I think!