Monday, June 8, 2015

Look Around

So often I get caught up in my own little world. I get caught up in my own problems, and forget that everyone else around me has problems of their own too. I try to handle things on my own instead of trusting my Heavenly Father to take care of it for me. I focus only on myself sometimes, when I really should be looking out for and helping other people.
You see, as a Christian, I am supposed to be like Jesus. I am supposed to be His hands and His feet. I am supposed to help and serve others. I am supposed to be living my life in a way that includes those around me, and is not centered on me.
When I stop and take a look at the world around me and see all of the hurt that is around me, it is hard to think that I could make any difference. I am sure some of you feel the same way. It seems like a daunting task that only a crazy person would take on. But the truth is, if everyone helped just one person, the world would be such a better place.
Ever see the movie Pay it Forward? The kid on the movie came up with the revolutionary idea to change the world. This kid knew he could not do it by himself though. He broke it down so as to reach as many people as possible. He would help three people. In return, they were to help three people each. The cycle would continue. Imagine if we could do this. The world would be so much better! We would be helping and serving others, just like Jesus wants us to do.
Something I have come to realize is that you do not have to have a lot of money, talent, skill, or even education to help people. Sometimes all people need is someone to listen. They need someone to help them get something off the top shelf at the grocery store (this has happened to me because I am tall enough to reach :P). They might need someone to mow their lawn. They might need someone to drive them somewhere. Whatever it is, big or small, it can make a huge impact on that person. And it may spark the desire inside of them to help others.
I am calling all of us to work to impact one person. It may not seem like much, but it is still one person. Imagine the spark that could quickly turn into a flame. One person impacts another who impacts another... and this continues... forever! Wouldn't it be so amazing if we could all stop being so caught up in "me" and work on being caught up in helping others? It's your choice. Impact the world for better. Leave behind a legacy that says, "I lived for others. I showed Jesus to everyone I could." Go ahead. I know you can.

Here's a little inspiration for you... :)

"What you are tomorrow depends on what you do today."

"Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God."

"God's best gifts are opportunities."

*Quotes above are taken from "101 Secrets Every Teen Should Know"

1 comment:

  1. This is Inspirational, there is no better feeling than helping others. Keep on the good works Auggie. -Great
